I used to do these ALL THE TIME. I went back and read a bunch from middle school and shit and they were a perfect little time capsule of stuff I used to like. so yknow. why not more surveys?? why not surveys now?? welcome to hell!!

video games survey - 1/15/23

1. Favorite video game?
Okay well I feel a bit stupid answering this one after I just Fallout'ed all over this website but it's Fallout 3. I am WELL FUCKING AWARE New Vegas is the better game but 3 will always have a special place in my heart! It's the game that got me into gaming and working in game dev in the first place. I mean I burnt out in a blaze of glory after working in the mobile game mines but I will never stop loving RPGs. :V

2. Favorite video game series?
Soooo not fair after answering that first question lmao.

3. Favorite video game hero?
Probably a toss-up between Zagreus from Hades and Sarcastic Hawke from Dragon Age II. Yeah, specifically Sarcastic Hawke, this is what's good, don't @ me. Zagreus because I have a weird special connection with any character who needs blood to live in the way Zag does, Sarcastic Hawke because he's the most fucking fun character I've ever played in a video game and everything that comes out of his mouth is fucking ridiculous. And yet somehow tonally consistent with Dragon Age?? Wild shit.

4. Favorite video game villain?
Y'know what I've never really thought about this? I'm not sure if I have one. I mean, my go-to cop-out answer is Knight-Commander Meredith is a shitty villain until the very fucking last second where she has that one line about how she knew the whole time she was facilitating the rise of fascism through fear, but the machine was going too hard and fast and she was too scared of even her own rhetoric to stop, and THAT'S one hell of a villain monologue, but the rest of the game she's pretty much just a behind-the-wizard-screen strawman? So, uh. I don't have an answer :V

5. Favorite video game soundtrack?
Okay how much of a cop-out is it if half the answers to this quiz are hades/fallout related? Score shortlist: Bioshock, Fallout: New Vegas, and, y'know what, the best game soundtrack is probably Bioshock: Infinite because the shit it does with those covers and the pop theming is just nuts, and nothing will replicate the emotional time travel punch that is the first time you hear the Tears for Fears tune in the background as you approach Elizabeth. yeeeeeop

6. Favorite video game boss?
Megaera. ahem. uh. no further questions

7. Least favorite video game boss?
Maybe it's just that I play a lot of RPGs but I don't have any boss opinions, really. I guess what's awful is the fact that Swan triggers every fucking time I start a new FO4 game and try to run to Goodneighbor so I can kiss hancock asap.

8. Favorite video game to play alone?
I have sunk thousands and thousands of fucking hours into Fallout 4 building an actual Lloydville it's not even funny. Dragon Age: Origins might be the best single-player game of all time, though. I also sink shittons of time into Rimworld, and I just started playing Pentiment so there's that. Also nothing beats getting high off your ass and playing saints row

9. Favorite video game to play with friends?
omfg. am I an old man if I say Drawful. It's probably that or Borderlands or if I ever find some plastic fucking instruments again it's gotta be Rock Bank II/III/whatever number they ended on before everyone decided that music rhythm games were dumb. They are but I love them.

10. Favorite upcoming video game?
/stares directly into camera in Hades II

11. Any games you are currently crazy for? ..../stares directly into the camera in Hades seriously though i'm about ~halfway-ish through this playthrough and i am fucking nuts for this stupid game.